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Monday, June 30, 2008
Left a pawprint here before

Wow the pain is killing me! The metal in my mouth is poking my gum. PAIN PAIN! Dun know how the dentist put one sia, put until the metal can move, left side no metal, right side metal long like siao. I try using a scissor to cut, but too hard cannot cut. Today and tomorrow not free, need to wait until wed then can go settle my problem, damn it I have to bear the pain for two more days!!!
Honey 5:18 PM

Friday, June 27, 2008
Left a pawprint here before

Today during science period, Mr Wee came to our class to look for some people, I am one of them. I wonder why he came to look for us, hehe you know what, he told us that we are selected to go to Kunming (Dun know gt spell wrong). I felt so happy dun know how to use words to describe my feeling, just very happy and meanwhile I felt a bit worried, as your know about the earthquake, is just right above the country I going. My family allow me to go and today I went to do my passport, it take quite a long time and I am very tired. I saw my "so called" baby photo, dam ugly, hahaz.
Honey 5:58 PM

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Left a pawprint here before

Yippee, I got first for long jump. My first jump is 3.30m. Second jump is 3.33m. Third jump is 3.05m. So my final result is 3.33m, hahaz. At least I won something for my house. Sharlene gt second and Min Chin gt third, hahaz she is same house as me. You know why I can get first, it is because there is only three people, haha, how lan also can get third la!
Honey 6:44 PM

Monday, June 23, 2008
Left a pawprint here before

Yippee, Ms Ng is back, my previous netball coach. She look the same, not much changes. I miss her a lot, because she is a good coach and a good teacher. When she teach us netball, she laugh and joke with us. I have a lot fun with her. She is not that fierce and strict. But now the coach is also not bad la. Though she sometimes very fierce and strict, but I learn a lot of things from her. She also joke with us during our break. So different coach, have different method of teaching, we learn them and use them on court to win our opponent. Ms Ng told me that maybe tmr she will come and see us train, hahaz.

Today my form teacher change the sitting arrangement. Dun know should I be happy or sad. I dun like my previous seat because I was surrounded by boys. But this time round, I was surrounded by 4 girls and 4 boys. I like my previous table, because it is clean and smooth. Not like the table I have now, it is rough and dirty. The previous place I sit was hot but now the the place I sit is very cold and windy. It is like the place where now I sit, is much more better. But dun know why, I still prefer my previous seat. Hahaz I sound like so fussy.
Honey 3:55 PM

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Left a pawprint here before

Hahaz today nothing much happen. Yesterday, I washed the hamster cages and bathe all the hamsters. Dam tired but I think worth it la because can play with them while bathing them. I dun like to bathe the baby hamsters, because they keep running and jumping, really have a hard time bathing them. Soon, my brother is going to give all the baby hamsters to his friends and maybe my friend. Last night, I went to put the mother with the previous two baby hamsters. The mother chase after them, like chasing after people for money, dam fast and fierce. Then I take the mother out and put the father in, the father chase the boy like want to bite him, then he chase the girl and want to have... ... Tmr sch going to reopen liao, sian sian, have to change to study mode, no more play mode.
Honey 4:30 PM

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Left a pawprint here before

Yesterday, anthea, sharlene and me plan to go to TM for lunch. But after we watch the video, anthea say her stomach pian, a kind of pain that man will never know. So anthea and me when home and sharlene went to TM to meet her mother. On the way to the bus-stop, anthea cried, due to the pain she had. See her cry , my mind is thinking "what should I do?" Lucky after a while, she stand up and stop crying. I accompany her to the bus-stop then i wait for my bus and go home. When I reach home, i dun even bother to eat my lunch, i went to bathe and take my nap.
Honey 10:24 PM

Monday, June 16, 2008
Left a pawprint here before

I have no choice but to change my blog skin. All because of my itchy hand la, go press wrong button then the whole thing go crazy. I like that blog skin a lot, but now cannot fing liao, dam angry with myself la. Then today dun know what happen to my another blog, also go crazy, no pictures, no words, nothing expect black and white. No choice but to also change the blog skin. So in one day, two blog skin go crazy, ended up I have to change both of them, I like both blog skin a lot la, but... .... Aiya
Honey 6:54 PM

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Left a pawprint here before

Hahaz, today is friday the 13, nothing unlucky happen to me. And today, is so called washing day, as i had to wash my fish tank and hamster cages. While I am wshing the hamster cage, my sister bathe the hamster with sand. The baby hamster dam cute la, when my sister bathe them, they keep jumping and made my sister had a diffcult time to bathe them. She have to bathe a total of 10 hamsters and it took her an hour plus.
Honey 12:45 PM

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Left a pawprint here before

The previous post, i said that the baby hamsters are blind, so they keep banging into each other. But this few days, their eyes began to open, so they can walk properly and not banging around. But they still look very small. Whenever the baby hamster saw their mother, they will go to her and drink milk, i pity the mother la, six hamster ran to her for milk at one time, ouch so pain. Oh ya this time round, three look like father and three look like mother. Hahaz!
Honey 9:59 AM

Thursday, June 05, 2008
Left a pawprint here before

For the past few days, i dun see the sight of the baby hamsters, because they are hidden below the cotton. But today, the baby hamster start coming out from the cotton. It look so cute, they are small and black and their eyes are not open yet, they cannot see one another, so they keep banging into one another. But once their mother saw them, she will quickly catch them back under the cotton. Hahaz so cute!
Honey 4:10 PM

Monday, June 02, 2008
Left a pawprint here before

Last thursday, hamster mama give birth to six baby hamsters again. But this time round, the hamsters look smaller than the previous baby hamster. I worried that the baby hamsters might die, but I hope not.
Honey 1:36 PM

The Innocent Bear

Nick:Jazz-music/oink oink
Pri sch:Maha bodhi
Pri class:1H,2H,3H,4C,5I,6I
Sec school:East view
Sec class:108,208

Outdoors and indoors games
Listen to music
Pets(not pest)
Watch Tv
Watch action or funny movies

People who dun respect MY FAMILY, MY FRIENDS and ME
People who push me around
People who treat me badly
People who hurt/fool me

Roar it out

Honey wish

Get more A1 and A2
Friends forever
Be happy
Everybody good health
Win in competition